Imposing, defiant, alone. A veil of mystery that rises above the very mists that cover the western slope of the Andes, hovering over the stone walls that give way to the archaeological complex of Rúpac, that crown the heights of the sierra de Huaral. There reigns a silence perpetual and proud, broken only by the buzz of the wind and the ichu whispering. A silence that surrounds the many mysteries of these pre-columbian constructions, a category within which are among the best preserved of all the south american continent.
A route where we can appreciate these beautiful ruins, Rupac the Citadel of Fire to 3,400 meters above sea level.


It is required to have good adaptation to the altitude and to have a good state of health.
You will walk porteando the luggage.


  • Private transportation throughout the tour: Lima – Huaral – La Florida – Pampas – Florida – Huaral -Lima.
  • Refreshments on board at the time of starting (the first day).
  • First-aid kit.
  • Payment Entry to the citadel.
  • Communication equipment and safety equipment.
  • Experienced guide and trek support staff.
  • Lunch first day.
  • Night campfire.

Does not include

  • Rental of tent mid-mountain.
  • Rental of sleeping mountain.
  • Entre 3 a 5 horas depende el ritmo y cuantas paradas se haga.
  • Aproximadamente 6 km, la mayor parte de la ruta es en subida.
  • Entre los meses septiembre y mayo
  • Abundante agua
  • Bloqueador
  • Gorra
  • Ropa abrigadora
  • Botiquín personal
  • Carpa y bolsa dormir
  • Calzado con cocada
  • Bastones para trekking

Pueden alquilar animales de carga para que lleven el equipaje, estos son los costos:

  • 1 burro + Arriero : s/50.00 soles
  • 2 burros + Arriero : s/90.00 soles



Markahuasi is a plateau of rock located at the top of a mountain at 4,000 feet above sea level. It has enormous figures of rock with shapes of faces, people and animals, whose forms were sculpted by nature or by former inhabitants mysterious.

Here you will find attractive lagoons and rocks forming amazing monuments, among them are: Laguna Cachu-Cachu, the Amphitheatre, The Valley of the Seals, Home of Daniel Ruzo, Chulpas, Laguna Huacracocha, African Lion, Cat, Sacred, The Fortress and the Monument to Humanity. Nights of shooting stars, sunsets, extraordinary sunrises unforgettable.

Height of Marcahuasi:

Is between 3350 meters above sea level. in San Pedro de Casta in the mountains of Marcahuasi, the maximum altitude reaches almost 4000 meters above sea level.


It is required to have good adaptation to the altitude and to have a good state of health.
Hiking time round trip: 3 hours and a half.
You will walk porteando the luggage.


  • Private transportation throughout the tour: Lima – San Pedro de Casta – Lima.
  • First-aid kit.
  • Mountain cuisine with its respective gas
  • Lunch the 1st day.
  • Entry to the place.
  • Logistics team.
  • Coordination
  • Entre 3 a 5 horas depende el ritmo y cuantas paradas se haga.
  • Zapatos de trekking o calzado con cocada
  • Ropa abrigadora
  • Gorra abrigadora y guantes
  • Carpa, sleeping, y colchoneta aislante
  • Ropa abrigadora para la noche (se llega hasta 0º)
  • Ropa fresca para el día (temperatura promedio 20º)
  • Linterna frontal
  • Bastones de trekking (opcional)
  • Bloqueador solar
  • Cámara fotográfica
  • Refrigerio y agua (se pueden comprar en Chosica)
  • Bolsas para depositar desperdicios
  • Entre enero y abril: Caen lluvias y el cielo se nubla durante gran parte del día y toda la noche, temperatura promedio de 22° en el día y 7° en la noche.
  • Entre abril y julio: Cielo despejado y fuerte frío en la noche, temperatura promedio de 27° en el día y 6° por la noche.
  • Entre julio y octubre: Intenso sol por el día y mucho frío por la noche, temperatura promedio de 24° de día y 5° en la noche.
  • Entre octubre y diciembre: Intenso sol hasta el mediodía, luego nublado y frío por la noche, temperatura promedio en el día de 21° y 6° por la noche.

Pueden alquilar animales de carga para que lleven el equipaje, estos son los costos:

  • 1 burro + Arriero : s/50.00 soles
  • 2 burros + Arriero : s/90.00 soles